Payments info

Credit card payment (online) - operated by Stripe
After selecting credit card payment (Stripe Secure Payment) you will be transferred to 3D Secure platform to fill in the data. The moment the transaction is authorised, the payment proceeds immediately and we can post your order.
Our staff does not operate with your card data - the process is finished through online banking.
Do you hate filling in payment details over and over? You can simply save the card details for a future purchase by checking the “Save card for your next purchase” box. Your card details will be saved as secure information in our payment gateway and the next time you shop, you can simply select which card you want to pay with, without lengthy filling in of payment details. Our employees do not have access to this sensitive information.

Paypal Payment
Use your Paypal account to make the payment.
The order will be shipped to the address shown in your Paypal account.